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Our Highlights of 2021

2021 has been such a strange year for us all. From delivering all of our workshops and events online to eventually reopening back in May, we've realised how important the community is that we've built together at Wigan STEAM. We've loved seeing all of your faces and delivering workshops and classes in person again and can't wait for more fun and games in 2022!

Each member of the Wigan STEAM team has contributed one of their favourite moments of 2021 and we'd love to share them with you all! From Young Makers to Family Art Club and Pottery Night to Mini Makers, we’re so grateful for our Wigan STEAM community.


Creative Director - Louise

"2021 has definitely been a strange year but we've still managed to do some great work! My highlight of 2021 was Future Human, our summer project which was originally supposed to happen in 2020. The project was all about the future, with a focus on considering what life will be like in fifty years time. We recruited a cohort of ten young people who worked with scientists, researchers, technologists and artists over two weeks to create work in response to this question. All of the work then went into an exhibition which turned out amazing!

The best day during the whole thing was the day that the group worked with Esme Higgins, a musician from Liverpool. Honestly, I thought that bringing a musician into a space where we usually do visual arts was a bit of a curve-ball, but the group really got into it and created a brilliant song. From writing lyrics to creating a track and even recording themselves singing, everybody got involved and it was a real group effort. Be warned - it's catchy!" You can listen to the final song below!

Finance Director - Lizzie

"My highlight has been developing our work with the Young Makers and Young Carers. It's been brilliant to see our delivery team gain real satisfaction from working with partners to create opportunities for young people with caring responsibilities. Never mind a highlight of the year, it's one of the highlights of my career that with the support of parents and carers, the Young Makers group continued through the lockdowns and came out the other side stronger and more enthusiastic than ever. I'm so excited to see what they do next.

From a personal point of view moving to the coast has been a highlight! It’s been a lifelong dream to stand in my doorway with a cup of tea and hear the sea, watch birds flying overhead and paddle in my little kayak!"

Engagement Co-ordinator - Emily C

"The highlight of my year has been creating a meaningful relationship with the Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre. Working with Young Carers has been such a worthwhile and joyful experience. We've built such a wonderful relationship with the young people and the centre and they are my absolute favourites to work with! "

Creative Project Co-ordinator - Steph

"My highlight of the year was being able to become part of an amazing workforce! I really value what Wigan STEAM does and feel valued as a team member as I am fully able to utilise my skills!

My other highlight of the year was watching some of the Young Makers do their 'Skill Share' as part of their Arts Award. This is one of my highlights because leading up to the Skill Share, a lot of the young people were super nervous about doing it but later flourished with confidence and took ownership of presenting their Skill Share to their peers. It was wonderful to see them grow in confidence and to see how crazily talented every single one of them is!"

Marketing Co-ordinator - Emily R

"My highlight of the year has been working with all of the artists who are a part of our Residency programme. It’s been brilliant to chat with so many talented people, learn about their individual projects and give them a space to share their work!

Big shoutout to Terra:Form, Swell Studio, Ellie Wyatt, Ella Jones, Rebecca Sammon & Ula Fung for sharing their practice with us and filling our gallery (and socials!) with some amazing stuff! 2022 will see more from Michael Beigel and Natasha Hawthornthwaite & Carla Mellor. Keep an eye on our socials for more info!"


Here are a few other highlights from the year!

From L-R:

  • Keeping our Young Makers connected through zoom!

  • Making up 200 Seedling activity boxes

  • Our Shop spruced up for reopening back in May

  • Future Human Project

  • Digital Imagination Club is back!

  • Renegrade performing at Mini Fest 2021

  • Ebubblio making bubbles on Hope St for Mini Fest 2021

  • Wanderland Film project

  • Family Art Club

  • Pottery Night

We've had so many great moments over the last 12 months and we can't wait for more in 2022! We’d like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everybody who has visited us, supported us and worked with us over the last year.

If you have any memories you'd like to share, leave us a comment or head to social media and tag us @wiganSTEAM.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

The Wigan STEAM Team


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