Are you a home educator living in Wigan & Leigh or the surrounding areas?
We’re currently doing some research to find out whether local home educating families would be interested in creative workshops, courses & events specifically for children & young people who are home educated.
Over the years we’ve met lots of wonderful home educators who’ve attended our events. We’d love to know whether you’d like more opportunities to take part, and if so what you’d like to see us programme.
We understand that having an alternative environment to attend can be really beneficial for children who are home educated. We also have expert knowledge & skills, plus the equipment to be able to teach certain art techniques effectively & to a high standard - if this is something you’d be interested in then please do get involved!
We’ve produced a short survey which should only take you around 5 minutes to complete (most of the questions are simple tick boxes). Please help us by completing the survey by 28th October and sharing it with your home educator friends. As a thank you you’ll be entered in a draw to win a £10 Love2Shop voucher!
Click here to complete the survey!