We are excited to announce Wigan STEAM is rebranding and changing its name to ‘Everyday’, following the news that we will continue to receive funding through GMCA’s cultural portfolio. Alongside the new name, we will use the tagline ‘Making Space for Creativity’, highlighting our commitment to supporting people of all ages and backgrounds to develop their everyday creativity. The rebrand project was initially supported with investment from Arts Council England in 2021, which allowed us to undertake research and development and to consult with community members, before going on to work with designer Studio Baba to develop the brand.
Why are you changing your name?
We’ve been exploring the possibility of a name change and rebrand for the last few years, having identified that people were often confused about our name and what we do. Over the years, we’ve lost count of how many people asked us if we were something to do with steam engines and Wigan’s heritage. Many people aren’t aware of the STEAM acronym so anybody who asked received a long-winded explanation, and those who did know what STEAM meant, often assumed we were just about coding and technology. We also really wanted to drop the ‘Wigan’, as it gives people the impression that we only work in Wigan, when in actual fact, we deliver projects across the borough and Greater Manchester. Essentially - we realised we needed to find something more fitting, but also more neutral that doesn’t carry multiple confusing connotations.
Rebranding has presented us with an opportunity to better communicate what we do and why, and we hope that in time this will enable us to reach more people and make wider impacts.
What’s the meaning behind the name?
Supported by designer Studio Baba we decided on ‘Everyday’ as our new name. Here are the reasons why:
We foster everyday creativity.
Our activities and events happen regularly.
'Everyday' is unpretentious and inclusive – not out of reach but open to everyone.
It's intrinsic – part of the everyday fabric of the community.
'Day' nods to daytime, sunshine and joyfulness!
What the meaning behind the tagline?
Again, supported by Studio Baba we wrote a new tagline ‘Making Space for Creativity’, which provides people with a brief flavour of what we do. Here’s the thinking behind that:
Creativity is at the centre of everything we do.
We facilitate creative and cultural opportunities for people in their everyday lives.
We provide physical space for our community.
We centre and platform others by making space.

How did you make sure that the community had a say in your rebrand?
This project began with a six-month period of consultation, during which time we spoke with several groups across Wigan about our existing name and brand. We also brought together a focus group featuring people from our community to voice their opinions and had conversations with our board, artists we’ve worked with, and colleagues working in the sector locally. This feedback then fed into our design process with Studio Baba
How’s it going to work?
The organisation will officially transition to ‘Everyday’ on the 18th April, and celebrate the launch with a free community event on the 29th April 11am - 1pm at The Old Courts court room. You’re all invited - booking is essential, just head to our events page to book! From 18th April we will be known as Everyday, though Wigan STEAM CIC will still be our registered company name for legal purposes.
We know calling us Everyday will feel weird at first, it will for us too!
Where are you based?
We are based within The Old Courts on Crawford St, Wigan. We moved here back in February 2022 after our previous premises was marked for demolition as part of The Galleries redevelopment.
Unlike before, we do not have premises with regular opening times. Now, we have an office where we work on a day-to-day basis, and we deliver events within the community room at The Old Courts, as well as in libraries, green spaces, and community settings across Wigan and Leigh.

Will you still be doing the same activities?
Yes! Our weekly sessions, Pottery Night and Mini Makers will continue as normal. Our youth programme, Young Makers, Young Producers, and Creative Activators, will ramp up again from May as we recruit new cohorts. As always we will run family activities on weekends as part of our Make Together and Have a Go programmes, and the school holidays will be busy with our art camps (back from July this year!). You’ll also see us delivering some new projects this year, primarily Clay Club, which we’ve received funding for through The National Lottery Community Fund, and the Big Brain Health Fund. Watch this space as we’re sure there’ll be more exciting projects on the way!

Have there been any staff changes?
There have been no staff changes, so the same friendly faces will still be here! Your team is still Louise (Creative Director), Emily C (Engagement Director), Steph (Creative Project Coordinator) and Emily R (Marketing Coordinator).
I know you for your work with technology, electronics and coding - what’s happened to that?
Wigan STEAM began in October 2016 as a pop-up project supported by Wigan Council, initiated to foster digital skills & engage people in STEM through creativity. We have since developed into a more dynamic organisation, incorporating these themes and mediums into a broader, more responsive creative and cultural programme that prioritises access to shared creative experiences, cultural learning opportunities, and artist-led, socially-engaged practice.
We still believe that technology and creativity go hand in hand and that creativity is an excellent vehicle for nurturing digital skills, so you’ll still see coding and creative technology projects and workshops from us from time to time - they are just part of our wider creative programme.

Do you still believe in the STEAM concept?
We believe in the power of creativity, and that creativity enables us to learn new things, delve deep and imagine new ideas - across all fields. We also believe that the arts are also a field in their own right, and that being creative, even if only for the purpose of enjoyment, should be celebrated.
As an arts-focused organisation, we acknowledge that there are limitations with the STEAM concept, which is partly why we’ve changed our name. We still believe that, particularly within education, promoting STEM subjects through creativity is a brilliant way to engage children in learning and exploring new ideas, and we will continue to advocate for cultural education across the curriculum.
If you have a question we haven’t answered, comment on this post or ask us over on Instagram where we’ll be doing a live on Tuesday 18th April at 6pm.
We want to say a huge thank you to:
Just Bee Social, for working with us on a pro-bono basis to develop a social media strategy
Studio Baba, for being the most patient, hard-working, generous and talented designer
Rebecca Lupton, for capturing our community so well
Debbie Chan, for supporting us through the early stages of the project, and for always being at the end of a phone for feedback, support, and friendship
All of our wonderful community members who took part in the two workshop days we held so that we could capture some stunning images of what we do
All of our funders, primarily GMCA and Wigan Council for providing us with vital core funding so that we can keep doing what we do
And finally, the Everyday team, and our wonderful community members - without whom none of this would be happening!

Join us on Saturday 29th April 11am - 1pm at The Old Courts, Wigan, to celebrate our relaunch. There will be cake, screenprinting, and photo opportunities!